Let's go for a drive? Much like you hoomans some of us also experience motion sickness. It is however more common in puppies than in adult dogs as the ear structures of puppies aren't fully developed which thereby affects our ability to balance. And in some cases because of the experience of the first few rides we develop anxiety when it comes to car rides, even after our systems are fully developed. Therefore, steps have to be taken to tackle this from the very beginning. One totally awesome way of fixing it from the start is play with us in ways that will prepare us for the car rides in the future. C uddle us upside down in your laps, lift us up in the air or may be play a lot of "Roll Over" with us. These small motions a few times a day will somewhere prepare us for the kind of movements we will experience in cars in future. Thereafter you can follow the below mentioned simple steps: 1. Start putting us in the car with you for a few m...